October CSSH Club Committee 2021 Minutes

Apologies - None

Attendees - Andy Morgan, Pete Norris, Tom Evans

The meeting started at 1935 on Google Meet

  1. What road/circuit events do we want to organise in 2022? - We agreed that the most obvious location for the club to organise a road or circuit race in 2022 would be the Torbay Velopark which would be the easiest venue for us to use. Importantly before committing to organise events we should aim to get commitments from members that they would be keen and willing to help run the event(s).

  2. Open Time Trials 01/05/2022 Cycle Sport South Hams S/Avonwick 10 miles - There was a quick discussion about the open TT that Will Hornby has already agreed to organise on behalf of the club at South Brent on the 1st of May. As this had already been confirmed before the meeting there was not much more discussion on this event apart from confirming we will start an hour earlier at 8 am to prevent the traffic becoming too busy for the later starters.

  3. The August club meeting minutes - were approved 

  4. New Club members - Rob Barker, Phil Baker - forgot to mention them at the meeting but Will Hornby mentioned them in another email to those at the meeting the day afterwards

  5. CSSH Evening Circuit Races 29/07/21 and 19/08/21 Review of the events - The main thing we discussed about the circuit race events was as stated in point 1 we will ensure we have the volunteers confirmed if we can before registering the races.

  6. 2021 Club TT’s review. What should we do in 2022? - It was suggested by Tom Evans to move the club TT’s to Thursday which we felt could be a more popular day of the week. As much as we can before confirming the details we will try to gauge the opinion of members who might be keen to race. After the meeting Pete Norris remembered the idea he had for club TT’s of introducing a competition based on riders improving on their own PB for our club TT course which he hoped would give more motivation to riders and encourage them to take part.

  7. Club rides - now that we are able to organise more club rides can we increase the number of rides and turnout - We had a big discussion about this and how we could get more members and other local cyclists to get involved. While there was I would say (Will Hornby) agreement from everyone on what we would like to see in terms of more cyclists getting involved there was a little disagreement on how we get there. Post meeting we have agreed on a course of action that we hope will be beneficial for club members and other local cyclists who are keen to take part in group rides.

  8. Club Kit - This was mentioned briefly after members have only just placed another order with our clothing supplier Kalas which will be delivered later this year.

  9. Club website and in particular renewing our subscription for the CSSH.co.uk domain - This has been sorted and the club will renew our contract with Go Daddy after Andy Morgan checked with an IT expert during the meeting. 

  10. Date for the club AGM - It was decided that combining the AGM with a club dinner in late November early December would be the best idea to try to get a good turnout. It was not however decided who would arrange this from the committee.


Will Hornby will speak to Martin Smith regarding the Cyclocross course at the Velopark and the possibility of CSSH organising events there. Tom Evans suggested we might consider Summer series events with Mid Devon CC
